When the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) initially struck Wuhan, China in January 2020, most investors in Europe did not expect the disease to reach the continent. Yet here we are; a seemingly innocuous holiday stop in the French Alps by a Brit returning home from a conference in Singapore has morphed into a full-scale virus outbreak […]
Investors in Europe: 2020 Coronavirus Update

Investors in Europe: 2020 Coronavirus Update
Lockdowns across Europe have resulted in unprecedented economic damage over the first half of 2020. Eurozone GDP fell 12% in the 2nd quarter of 2020 following a 4% contraction in Q1.
Interview with Philip R. Lane, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB (El País)
“The speed at which the economy bounces back will then hinge on whether consumers are more reluctant to consume and businesses hold back on investment. From today’s perspective, it looks in any case unlikely that economic activity will return to its pre-crisis level before 2021, if not later.” – Luis Doncel
Spain Throws Lifeline to Companies Battling to Survive Pandemic (Bloomberg)
“Spain scrapped the threat of forced liquidation for companies that run up major losses this year as part of a series of changes announced by the government to stave off insolvencies amid the economic turmoil caused by the coronavirus.” – by Irene Garcia Perez
Spain breaks euro zone demand record with new 10-year bond (Reuters)
“Spain, like other euro zone sovereigns which have used syndications, is paying up to attract investors to its debt. Spain is paying a premium of around 12 basis points to its outstanding bonds, similar to Italy a day earlier.” by Yoruk Bahceli
Italy’s future is in German hands
“As coronavirus cuts a swath of economic destruction across Europe, pushing the already-strained budgets of southern countries to the brink, calls are getting louder for the eurozone to intervene by issuing debt backed by all members.” – by Silvia Borrelli and Matthew Karnitschnig
Spain unveils €200B package to combat virus downturn (Politico)
“Spain’s government on Tuesday announced a package to pump €200 billion into the economy to counteract the effects of coronavirus, and the prime minister warned of “very tough days” ahead.” – by Cristina Gallardo
Spain’s move to stop foreign companies swooping spooks BME investors (Reuters)
“We have changed the rules on foreign investment to prevent companies from non-EU countries from taking control of strategic Spanish companies,” Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Tuesday…” – by Jesús Aguado and Belén Carreño
Investing in Europe in 2020 – The Year Ahead

An overview of some European key themes and political risks for 2020
2020 brings with it the 10th year of recovery since the global financial crisis. Equity markets continue to break records, ample credit is available, yet the bullish performance appears cosmetic at times and investing in Europe in 2020 is fraught with political risks. The US deficit doubled from $385bn to $779bn last year, the UK […]
Spain’s new government could play an outsized European role (NewStatesman)
“If it overcomes domestic instability, the Socialist-Podemos coalition can reshape the EU.” – by Jeremy Cliffe
Spain’s Socialists score big election victory (Politico)
“Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s Socialists scored a big victory in Sunday’s national election, though they will still have to seek coalition agreements to stay in power.” – by Diego Torres