“In spring, the pandemic interrupted plans among the country’s banks to shed loans still festering from the eurozone crisis a decade ago. But stimulus from central banks and governments globally has sent fresh cash into funds that buy non-performing loans, reinvigorating the efforts.” – by Margot Patrick
CVC is one of the main investors in Greece (Ekathimerini)
” CVC – whose background lies in US investment company Citicorp – will become one of the biggest foreign investors in the country, alongside PSP Investments, Eldorado Gold, Fraport and Cosco.” – by Ilias Bellos
Greece borrows at zero cost (Ekathimerini)
“Investors gave Greece a fresh vote of confidence during Wednesday’s one-year treasury bill auction, as the Public Debt Management Agency borrowed without interest for the first time ever in a 52-week issue.” – by Eleftheria Kourtali
Greece unveils plan to loosen lockdown (Ekathimerini)
“The plan will unfold in three phases – from May 4 to mid-June – and, depending on the data, it will change accordingly.”
Italy’s future is in German hands
“As coronavirus cuts a swath of economic destruction across Europe, pushing the already-strained budgets of southern countries to the brink, calls are getting louder for the eurozone to intervene by issuing debt backed by all members.” – by Silvia Borrelli and Matthew Karnitschnig
Investing in Europe in 2020 – The Year Ahead

An overview of some European key themes and political risks for 2020
2020 brings with it the 10th year of recovery since the global financial crisis. Equity markets continue to break records, ample credit is available, yet the bullish performance appears cosmetic at times and investing in Europe in 2020 is fraught with political risks. The US deficit doubled from $385bn to $779bn last year, the UK […]
Greece gathers record orders for first 15-year bond since crisis (Reuters)
“Greece attracted record orders for its first 15-year bond sale since the financial crisis, a crucial step in furthering the thrice bailed-out country’s capital markets comeback.” – by Yoruk Bahceli
Why Greece is key to US plans to sell more natural gas to Europe (Al Jazeera)
“European market hangs in the balance as LNG champions take aim at Russian-Turkish energy alliance.” – by John Psaropoulos
Greece to Offer $10 Billion to Help Banks Cut Down Bad Debt (Bloomberg)
“Greece plans to provide as much as 9 billion euros ($10 billion) in state guarantees to help its banks reduce a mountain of soured debt weighing on their balance sheets, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.” – by Viktoria Dendrinou
Greek PM outlines tax cuts in 2020, promises reforms (Reuters)
“Greece’s prime minister detailed tax cuts for austerity-hit Greeks and companies strained during a decade-long debt crisis, and promised reforms aimed at convincing lenders to ease the nation’s fiscal target from 2021.” – by George Georgiopoulos and Renee Maltezou