“Come January 2021, the United States and Germany will have to move quickly to resolve big differences, notably over China and Russia. At stake is the strength of transatlantic ties between America and Europe.” – by Judy Dempsey
Joe Biden Is Unlikely to Save Angela Merkel’s Pet Project (Bloomberg)
“With broad-based opposition to the 1,239-kilometer (770-mile) pipeline in the U.S., German hopes that the president-elect will reverse sanctions may be misplaced. The friction is contributing to an array of issues fraying ties between Germany and the U.S., pushing Europe to chart its own course.” – by Jonathan Tirone and Brian Parkin
President Biden: Think Bigger and Broader with Berlin (War on the Rocks)
“The new U.S. president has an opportunity to revitalize the U.S.-German partnership by thinking bigger and broader about a new series of centerpiece projects. Four areas of possible cooperation in which to promote positive and forward-looking solutions to shared problems are: transatlantic security, trade, public health, and climate change.” – by Stephen Szabo and Jason […]
Trump, Biden and the ‘f****** Germans’ – Politico
“With German-American relations at their lowest ebb since World War II, McCain’s frustration with German policy offers a reminder that the American transatlantic establishment’s exasperation with Germany runs deep and is bipartisan. Trump’s outrageous taunts have prompted many Germans to forget that Barack Obama also pressured Berlin to spend more on defense.” – by Matthew […]
Investors in Europe: 2020 Coronavirus Update

Investors in Europe: 2020 Coronavirus Update
Lockdowns across Europe have resulted in unprecedented economic damage over the first half of 2020. Eurozone GDP fell 12% in the 2nd quarter of 2020 following a 4% contraction in Q1.
When the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) initially struck Wuhan, China in January 2020, most investors in Europe did not expect the disease to reach the continent. Yet here we are; a seemingly innocuous holiday stop in the French Alps by a Brit returning home from a conference in Singapore has morphed into a full-scale virus outbreak […]
EY Germany will survive, but legal troubles loom (FT)
“The auditors missed that €1.9bn in cash was probably never there. That’s a mistake that would send most companies or professionals into the dustbin. But the largest global audit firms are special.” – by Francine McKenna
Nord Stream 2 Could Sever Transatlantic Ties (Bloomberg)
“The gas pipeline is now a game of chicken between Germany and the U.S., in which both players appear reckless.” – by Andreas Kluth
Germany Weighs Measures Against U.S. Over Nord Stream Threat (Bloomberg)
“Germany is preparing to strike back against the U.S. if President Donald Trump follows through on his threat to kill off the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline with additional sanctions.” – by Patrick Donahue and Brian Parkin
Germany’s Angela Merkel unveils stimulus package to kickstart economy (Deutsche Weld)
“Chancellor Angela Merkel said Wednesday that Germany was set to plow 130 billion euros ($146 billion) into rebooting an economy severely hit by the coronavirus pandemic. The measures include temporarily cutting value-added tax form 19% to 16%, providing families with an additional €300 per child and doubling a government-supported rebate on electric car purchases.”