“As European countries are easing travel restrictions and governments and central banks have stepped up monetary and fiscal support, investors are looking for opportunities to take on more risk.” – by Paulina Pielichata
Europe: Did the banks cry wolf on negative rates? (Euromoney)
“As the howls of anguish at negative interest rates reach a crescendo, central bankers and prominent economists are still convinced that Europe’s financial sector would be even worse off were base rates above zero.” – by Dominic O’Neill
Blood Moons, Animal Spirits and Hunting Knives

H2 2019 Europe Update
Investor trepidation towards Europe in today’s markets is understandable. Regional macro data remain anemic. Europe continues to produce weak data, Euro-Area economic sentiment saw its worst losing streak in a decade and low interest rates are set to continue throughout the medium term. Meanwhile, the Fed has raised rates nine times since December 2015, taking […]
Europe Is Ground Zero for Global Credit Fears (Bloomberg)
CMC Ravenna, DIA, Douglas, Boparan: Just some of the hitherto obscure firms that have ensnared European credit investors in recent weeks.